Special Education, Trainings, and Services:
Addiction Education and Recovery
Adoption and Intended Parenting
Allergies (Food & Environmental)
American Red Cross Infant & Adult CPR Certified (Active)
American Red Cross Infant & Adult First Aid Certified (Active)
Appointment Support and Attendance
Baby Registry Assistance
Bachelor's Degree in Sociology-UMASS Dartmouth 2003
Barter System
Bed Rest
Belly Binding
Belly Casting/Molding
Birth Class Support
Birth Plan Assistance
Birth To Three (0-3)
Birthing Away From Home
Birthing From Within-Pam England
Breastfeeding, Chestfeeding, and Co-Breastfeeding
Cesarean BirthChancellor's Civic Service Award-UMASS Dartmouth
Culturally Sensitive and Informed
Developmental Delays
Diabetes Type I & II
Donor Breast Milk, Human Milk Bank, and Milk Bank
Doula Backup
Domestic Violence (DV)
Down Syndrome
Dr. Sears Plan
English Spoken
Established Professional Birth Community & Medical Relations
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Fertility Treatment
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Food Bank
Foster Care and Foster Homes
Gestational Diabetes
Gift Certificate
Happiest Baby On The Block-Harvey Karp M.D.
High Blood Pressure
High Risk Pregnancy
Home Care
Iota Iota Iota (TRIOTA) Graduate School Women's Studies Honor Society (E-BOARD Member-Secretary)
Ina May Gaskin CMP
Infant Massage
Invisible Illnesses
La Leche League (LLL)
Low Income
Master's Degree in Women's Studies-SCSU 2006
Maternity/Paternity Leave (FMLA)
Meal Preparation
Medical Marijuana (MMJ)
Mental Health Disorders (MH)
Methadone Maintenance Programs (MMP)
Miscarriage and Infant Loss
Mother Blessing Celebration
Natural Birth
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)
Neonatal Withdrawal
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Paleo Lifestyle
Parenting Education and Consulting
Perinatal & Postpartum Disorders
Pet Carep
Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority [E-Board Member, Member-At-Large (MAL), Sunshine, and Sisterhood]
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Pregnancy "Over 35"
Prenatal Assistance
Preterm Labor
Professionally Trained Certified Birth & Postpartum Doula
Rainbow & Angel Babies
Reduced Rates-Criteria
Reproductive Health
Reproductive Rights
Seeking Safety Trained
Sexual Abuse (SA)
Sibling Care
Single Parent
Special Needs Baby
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs)
Sliding Scale System
Special Spiritual/Religious Needs
Spectrum Disorders
Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner
Star, Indigo, Crystal, Sunshine, and Rainbow Children
Substance Abuse Clinician Secializing in Pregnant and Postpartum People
Subutex/Suboxone Program
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Teen Pregnancy
Teething/Oral Health Care
Trauma Trained and Informed
Trauma Survivors and Life Trauma Survivors
Vaccination Freedom and Education
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
Water Birth
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)